INTegrated sustainable enERgy ACTions and projects in Crete

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The INTERACT project in Crete is structured around three schemes: Road/Street Lighting Network EE Upgrade, EE improvements of Public Buildings and Implementation of PV panels in public municipal buildings and Land Reclamation Authorities through the set-up of Energy Communities. 

With construction works totaling approximately 3.5 million € and plans for an estimated additional investment of 34 million € in the coming year, this initiative plays a significant role in reducing Crete's carbon footprint. Furthermore, it equips the region with valuable insights and strategies to continue pursuing energy efficiency and carbon emissions reduction through further investments, marking a significant milestone in Crete's energy transition.

Established in 2009, ELENA is a joint initiative by the European Investment Bank and the European Commission. ELENA provides technical assistance for energy efficiency and renewable energy investments targeting buildings and innovative urban transport. Since 2009, the facility awarded 136 projects with EUR 236m in grant, supporting a total investment of EUR 7.7bn

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25 Oct 2023

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